Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Hermit Crabs

Last weekend I went to the mall and I walked in this cool store.

And this is what I found!



  1. I love it Oh Queen of the Flip Flops! Isabella was glued the whole time. She was also very interested in Abigail and Anastasia. I'm going to show Gianna when she gets home from school. You have some very beautiful hermit crabs. Congrats on your straight A's!

  2. Great job on your report card. You sound like a very responsible pet owner!

  3. Great job on your report card!!!! sounds like you know a lot about hermit crabs!

  4. SWEEEEET job on the grades buck-o! Love the hermit crabs! The Bobz (whom is my roomie) he has hermit crabs at his pet store...BUT he has a special kind of hermit crab that lives in his salt water reef tank. He is pretty cool...but not as cool OR as colorful as yours!!! Have fun with the lil buggers! Peace and hair grease!

  5. This is so cute. You're a mommy!

  6. Hold our applause? Take it where you can get it! Esp when you get suck ROCKIN' grades!

    Come over soon and see MY new flip flops! I'm an addict.


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